Public Announcement

Public Announcement

The Kaduna state development and property company limited (KSDPC) wishes to hereby inform the general public and the good residents of Kaduna State and its environs that KSDPC has since repossessed several of its sites and service plots from its Beneficiaries who had failed to pay the rents due from the said Plots and or failed to develop the said Plots within the stipulated development period and or alienated or contravened the agreed use of the said Plots without the consent of KSDPC first requested and obtained.

KSDPC also wishes to hereby alert and urge unsuspecting members of the general public to be wary of dealing or transacting over KSDPC’s properties with certain fraudulent and unscrupulous land speculators, amongst who are dismissed and former employees of KSDPC.

For further enquiries, consult with the Office of the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of KSDPC, which is at 3rd Floor, Mohammed Namadi Sambo Complex (Former Investment House), No 27, Ali Akilu Road, Kaduna, Kaduna State.


Management, KSDPC

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